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Movements - Africa To The Rest


7S Missional Communities

STRATEGY #1 for #A2R Movement


‘Hi 5’ Groups | An inspired person finds five other people who together:
1. Pray to the Lord of the harvest at 10:02/9:38 each day to send more African labourers to the Rest
2. Pray for the person on your prepared Prayer Calendar for that day (via voice or text)
3. Pray for the Unreached People Group of the day (local and global)
4. Pray for each other in ‘Hi 5’ Groups (per their news/requests)
5. Pray based on current news: missionary/mission agency newsletters, national and global affairs
Instruct each person in your ‘Hi 5’ Group to form theirs too

A Missional Community is a committed group of Jesus followers, the size of an extended
family, empowered by the Spirit, to participate in God’s mission of redemption in a particular
neighborhood and/or network. (Missional Church Network

STRATEGY #2 for #A2R Movement

STUDENTS summits

• In-person and online student/young people gatherings.
• A2R-organized or A2R-collaborations.
“Is it a mere coincidence that the current most numerically Christian continent is also the demographically youngest continent?” “The most Christian continent is the youngest continent, and ‘African Christian youth’ may be the most powerful combination of words to affect the mission of God this century. This is a novel moment. The question is if it will become a novel movement.”
(Perbi & Ngugi)

STRATEGY #3 for #A2R Movement


• Communities of people that connect and chit-chat about A2R-related issues.
• Social media is this generation’s Gutenberg revolution (like the printing press)! #A2R’s got to leverage that.
• Let’s make #A2R take over and trend!

#A2R Vision: We want to see a tidal wave of deeply transformed African Christians on the continent and in the diaspora comprising the largest missions movement the world has ever seen, flooding all nations with God’s glory.

STRATEGY #4 for #A2R Movement

STUDY groups

• Communities of people who pursue a transformational guided study of Africa to the Rest and other adjunct resources, like the Kairos course.


1. Past Participation
2. Passionate Praise
3. Present Potential
4. Persistent Problems
5. Principal Principles
6. Progressive Preparation
7. Practical Participation

STRATEGY #5 for #A2R Movement

SUPPLY societies

• People that form a mission society in which members financially
contribute to support missionaries to ‘the Rest.’
• Partnership with CHANGO app to mobilize Supply Societies!
• #A2R has already supported a church planting movement in
South Asia with over $15,000! Glory to God!

“When you missionaries came you did not ask us to give because you thought we were poor.
What you did not realize is that we are poor because we do not give.” (A certain indigenous
tribe to a missonary)

STRATEGY #6 for #A2R Movement


In-person, online or hybrid missional communities of sent African
missionaries (’goers’) for mutual encouragement, prayer,
accountability, information and skills sharing as a community of

“When you missionaries came you did not ask us to give because you thought we were poor.
What you did not realize is that we are poor because we do not give.” (A certain indigenous
tribe to a missonary)

STRATEGY #7 for #A2R Movement


We want to see a movement of African researchers and 
writers like  never before!

“Until the lion learns how to write, every story will glorify the hunter”
(African Proverb)

How Can We Tell Movement Is Happening?

When we have at least 100 A2R missional communities (#1 Supplication groups, #2 Students summits, #3 Social media groups, #4 Study groups, #5 Supply societies, #6 Sent networks,
#7 Searchers & Scribes groups) that have reached at least the 4th generation in multiple streams over a 3–4-year period, we would say we have attained movement, to the glory of God!

“The numerical advantage of African Christianity is useless unless it is linked up with the total
 mobilization of the entire constituents of the African church as a potent mission force to the rest
of the world and the remaining unreached people groups, for the glory of God!”
(Perbi & Ngugi)

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