Africans and Africa have always been in the thick and thin of the story of the Bible and the World Christian Movement. By God’s design, we have participated in shaping Christianity through the ages in significant ways. Now, this is not a drive to build our sense of self-esteem as Africans, even though it matters! […]
The assertion that “Christianity is the White man’s religion” overlooks the deep African roots of Christianity. This article aims to debunk this misconception by exploring the historical, anthropological, and theological dimensions of Africa’s profound influence on the early Christian movement. Euro-American missionary activity over the past 500 years, intertwined with trade, slavery, and colonialism, has […]
In recent years, considerable attention has been drawn to the fact that Africa is the continent with the largest Christian population. It is estimated that there are currently over 660 million Christians in Africa.[1] The Pew Research Center projects that by 2060, more than forty percent of the global Christian population will call sub-Saharan […]
I hereby congratulate the authors for the great work done. This book; Africa to the rest, is a very important material that you have managed to get into the hands of saints through your unmeasurable hard work. I am desperately looking forward to seeing Africa to the rest become available and accessible to the African […]
Reading this book was a source of encouragement, challenge, and instruction. I particularly appreciated their ability to keep reminding us that this is about the mission of God. And if there is a call to a new generation of Africans to be involved in mission, it is not because it is our turn or it’s […]
The following is an adaptation of the preface of the book, ‘Africa to the Rest,’ in two captivating parts. I will give you thanks, for you answered me; you have become my salvation. The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes. The […]
The following is an adaptation of the preface of the book, ‘Africa to the Rest,’ in two captivating parts. The one whom God clothes will never go naked. (Ethiopian proverb) African Breakthrough Africa is the most Christian continent in the world today. Hallelujah! In the year 2018, for the first time in history, […]
It has been humbling to hear and read what prominent leaders of today–women and men, on the African continent and in the diaspora, African and non-African, in the academy and mission practitioners, vocational ministers and marketplace leaders–say about ‘Africa to the Rest.’ We are delighted to bring you some of these in a three-part series. […]
“When Ethiopia ‘stretches out her hands to God’ (Psalm 68:31), as Africa now has, there are bound to be reverberations! The synergy between Sam Ngugi and Yaw Perbi in Africa to the Rest, aptly reflecting East meets West, is nothing less than an authentic validation of the new paradigm of polycentric mission as against the […]
“Indeed, this is Africa’s karios moment! Hitherto, it has been others defining Africa’s place and describing Africans’ role in God’s mission, narratives that are often cast in the prescriptive mode of the outsiders’ perspective and relativism. I am very much excited and blessed of the Lord to now begin to see the place and role […]